I teach sensitive folks how to rewire their nervous system in their own integrated, easy and unique way.

Are you ‘trying to regulate’ your nervous system with lots of tools and routines, but still feel overwhelmed most days?

There is nothing wrong with you or the tools you are using - you just haven’t found YOUR way of healing. Let me guide you.

How I work

If you are ‘trying to regulate’ your nervous system, but still feel wobbly most days, you aren’t doing it wrong, you don’t need MORE meditation or complicated breathing exercises, you don’t need to be ‘‘more precise’’, or even do more of it.  What you need is this:

Focus on the basic skills of regulating your nervous system + practice these skills in a way that feels delicious and coherent to you.

More deliciousness means:

  1. More ease (yes! it can be EASY!)

  2. To find your Yeses and Nos. 

  3. Integrated routines that work for you 

  4. Time efficient techniques 

  5. Confidence in your healing strategy 

  6. To become the authority on YOU

And if you do that in an environment where you get support and skilled guidance - you are giving your nervous system the very best conditions to reorganise.

I work across:

1. Vagus Nerve Regulation 

2. Mindset of Safety vs. Fear

3. Mood Elevation

4. Embodiment

5. Heart-Brain Coherence

My Story

I have been navigating my own bewildering wack-a-mole of nervous system wobbliness since I was a teenager.

I fully hit bottom in my second job after university. It was the perfect stress-storm, and then my brain broke. Or it felt that way anyway.

We’re talking total insomnia, depressive mood spells, chronic fatigue, emotional numbness (dissociation), crazy blood pressure (POTS) and blood sugar drops - and of course terrible anxiety. 

For a long time I had also been experienced codependency, being an enmeshed ‘empath’, procrastination, underearning, crippling shame and an incessant inner critic. 

That was in 2015, and I’ve come a long way since. By spending the last 7 years studying nervous system recovery strategies, I’ve been able to slowly rewire my nervous system for safety, I am no longer constantly looking out for danger.

I have collected an impressive treasure chest of effective strategies and tools, but the most important learning has been learning to come back to ourselves, despite the turbulence.

That is what I help people do.